Everything you need to know from the start, too keep ants

Published on 31 March 2023 at 09:27

Step 1: Research ant species


Before starting your own ant colony, it's important to know which ant species are suitable for keeping as pets. There are many different types of ants, each with their own characteristics and requirements. Research which species is best for you and what their habitat, food, and care requirements are.


Step 2: Build a suitable habitat


After deciding which ant species you want to keep, it's time to build a suitable habitat. This can range from a small terrarium to a large ant farm. Make sure the habitat is suitable for the ant species you have chosen and meets their habitat requirements, such as humidity, temperature, and ventilation.


Step 3: Collect the ants


There are different ways to collect ants. For example, you can buy a queen and some workers from a breeder, or you can gather ants from nature. However, in some countries, it is illegal to collect ants, so make sure you are aware of the rules and regulations before starting.


Step 4: Place the ants in the habitat


Once you have collected the ants, it's time to place them in their new habitat. Make sure to handle the ants gently to avoid stress and disturbance to the colony. Place the ants in their new habitat and give them time to adjust to their new environment.


2. What are the easiest ants to start with?


There are several species of ants that are suitable for beginners, depending on where you live and what is available. Here are a few suggestions:


1. Lasius niger: also known as the black garden ant, is a common ant species in Europe and is a good choice for beginners. These ants are easy to care for and do not require much space. Additionally, they are relatively harmless and can be easily fed with sugar water and small insects.


2. Camponotus chromaiodes: these ants are found in North America and are easy to care for. They require a large colony and therefore need more space than some other species. They mainly feed on insects and sugar water.

3. Messor barbarus: These ants can be found in Southern Europe and North Africa and are specialized in collecting seeds. They require a large nest and are therefore suitable for people who have more space to house a colony. They are relatively easy to care for and can be fed with seeds and sugar water.


It's important to remember that keeping ants is a responsibility and that you should do your research before starting. Make sure you have the right equipment and know how to care for your ants.


What basic necessities do you need?


If you're planning to keep ants, there are several basic necessities you'll need to provide for a comfortable and healthy living environment for the ants. Here are some of the key necessities:


1. Ant habitat: You'll need an ant habitat where the ants can live. There are many different types of ant habitats available, from glass terrariums to 3D printed habitats. Make sure the habitat is large enough for the number of ants you want to keep, and that it has adequate ventilation, food, and water sources.


2. Substrate: Ants need a substrate to dig and nest in. The substrate can consist of sand, soil, peat, or a mixture of these materials.


3. Food: Ants need food to survive. The food can consist of fruit, vegetables, seeds, insects, and sugar water.


4. Water: Ants also need water to survive. You can provide a water source in the ant habitat, such as a water dispenser or a moist sponge.


5. Lighting: Some types of ants require a certain amount of light to thrive. Make sure the ant habitat receives adequate light, but avoid direct sunlight.


6. Thermometer and hygrometer: It's important to be able to measure the temperature and humidity in the ant habitat. A thermometer and hygrometer can help you monitor the environmental conditions.


7. Accessories: You can also customize the ant habitat with accessories such as tunnels, feeding dishes, and decorative elements.


It's important to remember that the specific needs of ants can vary depending on the species you're keeping. Make sure to do your research first.